Organizations that Help with Paradigm Change to PCBE
Many organizations provide assistance for what your vision should be like and/or the process of creating and implementing your vision. This is a list of resources that we are aware of, but not a recommendation or endorsement of their products/services. You should carefully investigate what each has to offer. Also, there are undoubtedly many other fine organizations that we are not aware of. We encourage those other organizations to contact us for inclusion in this list. When an organization seemed to have an equally strong focus on vision and process, we included it in both columns below. We have put an asterisk (*) in front of the ones that, at the present time, seem to offer the most promising visions or process support.
Undoubtedly, we are unaware of many additional organizations that help schools with paradigm change to PCBE. We encourage such organizations to contact us for inclusion here. Also, please contact us with any updates to what appears below.

Here we describe organizations that have a greater focus on the vision.
*2Revolutions is a national education design lab striving to transform the American education system. It works with entrepreneurial leaders and practitioners within K12 and Higher Education to design, build and implement new learning models and help catalyze the enabling systems that prepare students for success in the future.
Assessment Research Consortium, a division of the Center for Curriculum Redesign, has the goal to redesign systems of measuring learners’ progress, aligned to 21st century competencies and desired education outcomes.
*Buck Institute for Education, or BIE, helps educators improve student learning outcomes by making PBL accessible by teachers in grades K-12 and all subject areas. It provides resources for educators, as well as on-site professional development services for teachers, school leaders, and district leaders.
*Center for Collaborative Education, or CCE, partners with public schools and districts to help them transform in a way that ensures all students succeed. It strives to contribute to planned, systemic strategies that focus on the core of the teaching and learning process (curriculum, instruction, assessment, and culture).
*Center for Innovation in Education is housed at the University of Kentucky. It supports states and local partners taking on the task of shifting a hugely complex system from an orientation on schooling to an orientation on learning. It supports the movement towards personalized, competency-based systems designed for deeper learning.
*Center on Reinventing Public Education, or CRPE, is a nonpartisan research center that conducts rigorous research and policy analysis to help educators, policymakers, civic and community leaders, parents, and students themselves reimagine education systems and structures. It analyzes complex trends and data, communicates new possibilities for system change, and provides guidance and thought leadership to support that change.
Chan Zuckerberg Initiative, or CZI, supports education through personalized learning. It looks for bold ideas — regardless of structure and stage — and helps them scale up. It makes long-term investments because important breakthroughs often take decades.
Cisco has an initiative to help schools allow students to learn anywhere and to collaborate with peers and experts worldwide.
Clayton Christensen Institute conducts research in K-12 education that aims to transform monolithic, factory-model systems into student-centered designs that enable each student to realize his or her fullest potential.
Collaborative for Academic, Social, and Emotional Learning, or CASEL, helps make evidence-based social and emotional learning (SEL) an integral part of education from preschool through high school. Among other things, it works on three fronts: research, practice, and policy. It develops models and resources for schools and districts nationwide, develops practical, actionable guidance for assessing social and emotional knowledge, skills, and behaviors.
Colorado Education Initiative, or CEI, is a statewide nonprofit organization that invests time, expertise and dollars in innovating K-12 public education. It questions current assumptions about education and shifts age-old thinking by conducting research, hosting outside-the-box dialogues, and seeding innovative ideas. It catalyzes bold, comprehensive change by sharing knowledge, creating collaborative partnerships, and building capacity. It nurtures and maximizes innovation by working with education leaders who are prepared to embrace what works.
CommunityShare connects the skills and experiences of individual community members with the needs of students (and others) across the greater Tucson, AZ, area. It provides opportunities for students to meet, interact, and collaborate with experts in different occupations. It offers a powerful model for other communities.
*CompetencyWorks is an online resource dedicated to providing information and knowledge about competency education in the K-12 education system. Drawing on lessons learned by innovators and early adopters, CompetencyWorks shares original research, knowledge and a variety of perspectives through an informative blog with practitioner knowledge, policy advancements, papers on emerging issues, and a wiki with resources curated from across the field.
CoSN empowers educational leaders to leverage technology to create and grow engaging learning environments, based on the belief that technology is a critical tool to personalize learning.
Council on 21st Century Learning, or C21L, supports K-12 educators, schools, and districts as they develop learning for the 21st century, including: 21st century learning audits and program evaluation; professional learning — coaching, instructional design, workshops, and presentations — on how to use specific 21st century learning practices (e.g., inquiry, assessment, project-based learning, and developing/cultivating communities of learners); and consultation related to planning and implementation.
Digital Promise League of Innovative Schools connects and rallies the most forward-thinking leaders of the nation’s school districts. By working together on shared priorities – and partnering with leading entrepreneurs, researchers, and education leaders – League districts pioneer innovative learning and leadership practices that lead to improved outcomes for students and that help prepare them for learning for life.
EdLeader21 is a national network of school and district leaders focused on integrating the 4Cs (critical thinking, communication, collaboration and creativity) into education.
*Education Elements helps schools to create new instructional model designs: competency-based learning, blended learning, personalized learning, project-based learning, and more. Other services include strategy development, professional development and support, school leadership development, finding open educational resources, and others.
Education Redesign Lab at the Harvard Graduate School of Education is working to build a silo-breaking 21st century engine for education to restore social mobility and ensure that all kids can reach their full potential. That engine has three initial design elements: student-centered customized learning, integrated health and social services, and equal access to expanded learning opportunities.
*Education Reimagined is dedicated to accelerating the growth and impact of the learner-centered education movement in the United States by promoting LCE among education stakeholder groups, supporting learner-centered leaders, and helping those leaders to collaborate, innovate, and advocate together.
Educurious offers a project-based learning curriculum that empowers youth to take charge of their learning. It also connects students to the world through a global network of subject-matter experts and mentors, who relate the curriculum to challenges in today’s workplace. And it supports teachers with customizable tools and resources, immersive professional development opportunities, and a vibrant learning community.
Envision Learning Partners is Envision Education’s consulting and training division. It works with a broad range of district and charter schools for a minimum of one schoolyear to provide: a summer training institute on teaching and assessment practices, regular professional development and coaching throughout the school year to align curriculum and instruction to the student assessment system, practical tools and technology that make it more manageable to adjust instruction and assessment, and ongoing support to help schools make the shift to teaching and measuring 21st Century Skills.
George Lucas Educational Foundation is dedicated to transforming K-12 education so that all students can acquire and effectively apply the knowledge, attitudes, and skills necessary to thrive in their studies, careers, and adult lives. It takes a strategic approach to improving K-12 education through two distinct areas of focus: Edutopia and Lucas Education Research. Edutopia shines a spotlight on what works in education. It shows people how they can adopt or adapt best practices, and it tells stories of innovation and continuous learning in the real world. Lucas Education Research conducts rigorous research in collaboration with university partners, research firms, and leading educators to identify and evaluate replicable practices at the student, teacher, and school level that profoundly and positively impact the course of learning and lifelong achievement.
Getting Smart, a learning design firm, provides advocacy, advisory, and coaching services that support more powerful learning for all. It partners with education-focused foundations, learning organizations, schools and districts to invent the future of learning.
Global Future Education Foundation and Institute is a not-for-profit corporation dedicated to promoting the vision of fundamental change in education with real-world projects and student empowerment, and to building needed tools and infrastructure to help make it happen.
*Highlander Institute researches, develops, and disseminates innovative education solutions that improve educator and system capacity to provide personalized experiences for every learner.
*iNACOL drives the transformation of education systems and accelerates the advancement of breakthrough policies and practices to advance powerful, personalized, learner-centered experiences. Priorities are to create personalized competency-based education systems, redesign systems of assessment to align with student-centered learning, rethink accountability for continuous improvement, create innovation zones and pilots, and build infrastructure for new learning models.
InnovateEDU is a Brooklyn-based non-profit whose mission is to eliminate the achievement gap by accelerating innovation in Common Core-aligned, next generation learning models and tools that serve, inform, and enhance teaching and learning. It is committed to massively disrupting K-12 public education by focusing on the development of scalable tools and practices that leverage innovation, technology, and new human capital systems to improve education for all students and close the achievement gap.
Institute for Personalized Learning is a division of Cooperative Educational Service Agency #1, which provides services for K-12 districts in Southeastern Wisconsin. The mission of the Institute is to launch and infuse a learner-centered framework for scaling personalized learning and nurturing powerful learners. They have developed a model and process, and they work with network schools and districts to re-design their educational ecosystem into one that is learner-centered.
Institute of Education Sciences in the U.S. Department of Education provides national leadership in expanding fundamental knowledge and understanding of education from early childhood through postsecondary study, in order to provide reliable information about educational practices that support learning and improve academic achievement. It conducts research, evaluation, and dissemination activities in areas of demonstrated national need and develops products.
Jobs for the Future, or JFF, houses the Center for Apprenticeship and Work-Based Learning, which helps advance apprenticeship and work-based learning strategies. It has the Pathways to Prosperity Network—a collaboration of JFF, the Harvard Graduate School of Education, and states and regions—develops, implements, and scales college and career pathways to expand economic opportunity for all young people and meet regional talent needs. And it has the Student-Centered Learning Research Collaborative, which works in partnership to investigate and evaluate what is known about student-centered learning both in and beyond today’s schools, and then leverage that knowledge to affect meaningful change at scale.
*Khan Academy is a personalized, competency-based learning resource for all ages. It offers practice exercises, instructional videos, and a personalized learning dashboard that empower learners to study at their own pace in and outside the classroom.
Knowledge Alliance is comprised of leading education organizations that collectively promote the use of rigorous research to figure out “what works” and why to improve student outcomes, and then share those findings with policy-makers, practitioners and the general public.
*KnowledgeWorks Foundation works to empower all educators to engage each student’s unique learning style and personal strengths while ensuring high expectations for academic growth. It creates policies that support innovative teaching and learning, and it partners with school districts and communities to deliver innovative, collaborative personalized learning opportunities for students through competency-based education.
Leading Education by Advancing Digital (LEAD) Commission was created by a challenge from the Federal Communications Commission and the Department of Education. It was established to determine how technology can help transform education in America.
*Leap Innovations works with educators, researchers, and other innovators to unlock the unlimited potential of every learner. It offers resources, guidance and on-the-ground support to tailor learning to the backgrounds, needs, interests, and strengths of individual students. Its hands-on approach to personalized learning is actionable for every teacher, classroom and student – everywhere.
*Learning Accelerator is a catalyst to transform American K-12 education to make it personalized, informed by data, and mastery-based through blended learning on a national scale. It views blended learning as a key mechanism for making this vision possible for every child, in every school, throughout the country.
Learning Hero helps parents understand how to best support their child’s education and connects them to resources from some of the nation’s most trusted experts and organizations such as the National PTA, Scholastic, Common Sense Media, GreatSchools, Univision, and more.
Learning Policy Institute conducts and communicates independent, high-quality research to improve education policy and practice. Working with policymakers, researchers, educators, community groups, and others, the Institute seeks to advance evidence-based policies that support empowering and equitable learning for each and every child. Nonprofit and nonpartisan, the Institute connects policymakers and stakeholders at the local, state, and federal levels with the evidence, ideas, and actions needed to strengthen the education system from preschool through college and career readiness.
Learning Revolution Project holds online and physical learning events, and highlights professional development opportunities from a network of 200 partners in the learning professions.
*Marzano Research provides educators with consulting, professional development workshops and conferences, books, and videos to help them transform to personalized competency-based education.
Mastery Transcript Consortium, or MTC, is a network of schools creating a high school transcript that reflects the unique skills, strengths, and interests of each learner.
MasteryConnect is a company that has created MasteryTracker, with which teachers can assess core standards, monitor student performance, and report student mastery to parents and administrators. If offers formative assessment, curriculum planning, benchmark/interim assessment, and support for PLCs/collaboration.
Mind Trust helps the Indianapolis Public Schools to create new Innovation Network Schools, which are innovative charter schools within the school district. Through the Design Challenge, it seeks to create the next wave of charter schools by identifying the nation’s most innovative social entrepreneurs and encouraging them to design transformational, new charter school models that have never before been tried.
National Center for Research on Education Access and Choice, or REACH, at Tulane University in New Orleans, is a U.S. Department of Education sponsored research and development center on school choice programs. Established in 2018, the center plans to conduct 34 studies on five different policy areas associated with school choice initiatives: planning and oversight, transportation issues, enrollment systems, teacher issues, and ways to provide information to parents.
*Nellie Mae Education Foundation funds schools and districts to redesign their systems to put students at the center, including redesigned governance models and digital badging and assessment, by developing researcher-practitioner collaborations, and establishing criteria for what it takes to put high quality, student-centered learning into practice.
New Commission on the Skills of the American Workforce is a group of American business, government, civil rights, and education leaders that proposed a new framework for American education to boost student performance and raise system efficiency. Their report, Tough Choices or Tough Times, recommended dramatic changes to America’s education and training system so that the nation can maintain its standard of living as we advance through the 21st century.
New Hampshire Learning Initiative, or NHli, supports the transformation of NH schools to competency-based education and personalized learning. Initiatives include helping teachers use formative assessments, learning progressions, and deeper learning competencies, supporting building leaders in cultivating change, and building programs beyond the traditional classroom.
New Tech Network is a national non-profit design partner for comprehensive school change. It provides extensive support for planning, design, and implementation to over 200 districts and charter school organizations for launching a New Tech school.
Next Generation Learning Challenges, or NGLC, supports educators who are reimagining public education. It is a community of forward-leaning educators who are working in their communities and together as a network on the most urgent challenges in public education today. A non-profit initiative, NGLC was founded in 2010 with the understanding that, while we all have a role to play, it is the educators who should lead the transformation to next gen learning, because they are closest to the students and the learning. NGLC’s role is to enable those educators with the vision to transform their schools and the passion and courage to pursue it.
Open Up Resources began as the “K-12 OER Collaborative,” a 13-state initiative to provide excellent, standards-aligned, free educational resources. It also provides support to districts and schools for implementing these resources by offering such services as professional development and printing.
Partnership for 21st Century Learning, or P21, is a collaborative partnership among education, business, community, and government leaders that has developed a framework for 21st century learning that represents the knowledge and skills students need to thrive in a world where change is constant and learning never stops. An affiliate, Learning Point Associates, is a nonprofit educational consulting organization working with and for educators and policymakers to transform education systems and student learning. It applies research, evaluation, policy and practice to achieve breakthroughs with its clients on the most pressing issues in education.
Place Network, an initiative of Teton Science Schools, works with rural K-12 schools in Idaho and Wyoming, connecting them and their communities to increase student engagement and learning, along with community impact. It puts both the learner and the local place at the center of a competency-based, whole-child educational experience that capitalizes on each community’s distinctiveness.
PowerMyLearning helps teachers team up with families and colleagues to use a range of evidence-based programs and services designed to provide personalized, integrated, and joyful learning experiences for all students and meaningful family engagement. It also offers playlists that put students in the role of the teacher at home, leading their families through dynamic home learning activities.
Remake Learning is an open group of interconnected, creative, and innovative people and organizations in the greater Pittsburgh region. Its purpose is to make learning more engaging, relevant, and equitable by sparking and sharing best practices and new ideas, making it easier for neighbors and colleagues to help each other, reducing duplicative efforts in the region, and leveraging resources collectively for greater impact.
Rethink Learning is the not-for-profit affiliate of IMAGINAL Education Group. It exists to interrupt the inequities in education. Using research, innovation, and design, it invents solutions that disrupt the status quo. Research areas of interest are: trauma and its impact on learning, cross-sector influence of childhood trauma, influence of trauma and it’s intersect with children of poverty, and human agency.
Springpoint Schools partners with schools, districts, charters, networks, and foundations to envision, design, and implement innovative school models that are designed for and responsive to the communities they serve. Its approach is an adaptive, responsive, and ongoing endeavor to promote a culture of innovation and iteration. Personalization and mastery are two of its 10 design principles.
Students at the Center, a Jobs for the Future initiative, is a leading national voice for the knowledge, skills, and dispositions all youth need to succeed in college, career, and civic readiness. Their work synthesizes—and adapts for practice—current research on key components of student-centered approaches to learning that lead to deeper learning outcomes., including personalized learning, competency-based learning, anytime anywhere learning, and student ownership of learning.
*Teacher-Powered Schools was launched in May 2014 with the goals of highlighting the successes of the more than 120 teacher-powered schools across the country, and inspiring other teacher teams to either take charge in their schools or design and run new schools. Its explicit focus is on supporting teacher teams in securing collective autonomy to design and run schools. It holds a national conference for teachers in, and wanting to get into, the 'professional partnership' arrangement.
*Transcend Education partners with visionary school communities to build and spread breakthrough models that prepare children to thrive in and transform the 21st century. It also builds and deploys a diverse force of R&D talent, called the Yellow Hats League, to develop, codify and spread these new learning models.
Turnaround for Children, along with partner organizations, created a “Building Blocks for Learning” framework that translates neuroscientific research into tools and strategies for schools serving students impacted by adversity, in order to accelerate healthy development and academic success.
XQ Institute is a growing and passionate network of educators, students, families, and civic-minded citizens reimagining high school education in the United States. Our mission is to fuel America’s collective creativity to transform high school so every student succeeds.
Here we describe organizations that offer advice and/or assistance for your transformation process.
*2Revolutions is a national education design lab striving to transform the American education system by working with entrepreneurial leaders and practitioners within K12 and Higher Education to design, build, and implement new learning models. With a user-centered design approach, it helps entrepreneurial educators pull the change levers available to them to make significant and lasting change.
Advance Innovative Education or AIE is a statewide non-profit organization working to improve public education for all Louisiana students. Schools that ignore the trends shaping tomorrow will cease to be relevant in the lives of their students and will quickly disappear. AIE realizes that they must assist schools and school systems in transforming institutions of learning to insure that they are preparing students for the future, not for the past.
Center of Excellence in Leadership of Learning or CELL at the University of Indianapolis serves as a leading convener, catalyst, and collaborator for dynamic, innovative, educational change to dramatically impact student achievement throughout Indiana.
Chiefs for Change is a nonprofit network of innovative district and state education chiefs.
Digital Promise was created with the mission to accelerate innovation in education. It supports a variety of initiatives, including Education Innovation Clusters, League of Innovative Schools, maker learning, Center for Innovative Research in Cyberlearning, real-world Challenge-Based Learning, coaching for teachers, micro-credentials for educators, SQ Super School Project (Vista High School), and the Research@Work Project. Its Research Map connects education practitioners to relevant and accessible learning sciences research findings that can help them shape powerful learning solutions for all students.
Education Commission of the States or ECS supports state legislators on educational policy issues.
*Education Elements helps schools to create new instructional model designs: competency-based learning, blended learning, personalized learning, project-based learning, and more. Other services include strategy development, professional development and support, school leadership development, finding open educational resources, and others.
*Education Reimagined is dedicated to accelerating the growth and impact of the learner-centered education movement in the United States by promoting LCE among education stakeholder groups, supporting learner-centered leaders, and helping those leaders to collaborate, innovate, and advocate together.
Educational Resource Strategies is a national non-profit that partners with district, school, and state leaders to transform how they use resources (people, time, and money) to create strategic school systems that enable every school to prepare every child for tomorrow, no matter their race or income. Their work integrates data analysis, benchmarking, strategic design, consensus building, implementation and monitoring in the various areas of school system design.
Foundation for Excellence in Education, or ExcelinEd, offers customized support for state policymakers, reformers, educators, parents and communities, to cultivate policy conditions that advance student-centered, personalized education systems, state by state, and improve education equity and quality—both inside and outside of the traditional public education system. It also sponsors a national summit on education reform.
*Highlander Institute researches, develops, and disseminates innovative education solutions that improve educator and system capacity to provide personalized experiences for every learner.
*Institute for the Future of Learning or IFL helps change leaders transform the “one size does not fit all” model of education through understanding of the human dynamics of meaningful and sustainable change.
International Center for Leadership in Education or ICLE engages in daily interactions with schools throughout the country—including the nation's most rapidly improving schools—which inform and help it continually refine the research-based strategies and best practices that it uses to support districts, schools, and teachers across all 50 states and internationally. It supports schools and districts in developing leaders, setting instructional priorities, and transforming instruction to increase achievement for all students.
New Tech Network is a network of 123 high schools, 48 middle schools, and 36 elementary schools. The network helps districts to plan, design, and implement New Tech schools by providing customized support.
NewSchools Venture Fund is a national nonprofit venture philanthropy working to reimagine public education. They raise contributions from donors and use them to find, fund, and support teams of educators and entrepreneurs who are reimagining learning so all children – especially those in underserved communities – have the opportunity to succeed.
New York City iZone 360 was established in 2010 to help schools personalize learning environments. It runs Innovation Challenges to guide schools through a structured process of discovery that develops creative solutions from the ground-up, drawing on the optimism and ideas of students, families, teachers, and the broader school community. iZone also supports a community of educators who collaborate to rethink traditional school models. It also builds capacity for innovation and removes barriers that inhibit promising new models.
NYC Leadership Academy builds the capacity of educational leaders, at every level of the system, to use an equity lens for implementing a vision and building strong school and district culture, so as to ensure high-quality instruction for all students to be successful. By 2018 it had worked with more than 185 school systems and educational organizations across 33 states and Washington, D.C.
redesign is an education design company that partners with practitioners to design and develop high-impact school and educational program models through strategic, learner-centered design. It also supports successful implementation and continuous learning through on-site team capacity-building and operational problem-solving.
*Reinventing Schools Coalition or RISC assists districts in reinventing their systems based on the comprehensive tools in the following components of the RISC Model: building shared vision, developing relevant standards, creating aligned assessment, implementing effective instruction, establishing meaningful reporting, and ensuring sustainability.
SchoolWorks offers five key services to schools, networks, districts, state departments of education, and foundations to build the capacity of educators: accountability and design, quality reviews, instructional supports, leadership supports, and lead partner services.
*Transcend Education partners with visionary school communities to build and spread breakthrough models that prepare children to thrive in and transform the 21st century. It also builds and deploys a diverse force of R&D talent, called the Yellow Hats League, to develop, codify and spread these new learning models.
*Transforming Learning Collaborative is a new partnership between NGLC, Da Vinci Schools, and Schools That Can. It is a national group of innovative schools committed to offering deep, intensive learning experiences for educators who are transforming learning in their classrooms and schools. The following mentor schools and districts have joined the collaborative to provide learning and design experiences, mentoring, and training: Building 21, Distinctive Schools, Lindsay Unified School District, Valor Collegiate Academy, Vista Unified School District, and Workshop School.
XQ Institute is a network of educators, students, families, and civic-minded citizens that supports the reimagining of high school education in the United States. It launched in September 2015 as an open call to the nation to rethink and redesign the American high school. It has pledged more than $130 million to create such Super Schools. It also offers free, open source tools and materials so that every community can rethink their high schools.
Vision - What Changes to Make
Process - How to Transform to your Vision