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Instructional-Design Theories and Models: 
Volume III, Building a Common Knowledge Base

Edited by Charles M. Reigeluth & Alison A Carr-Chellman 


About this Book

The primary audience for this volume, like that of the previous two volumes, is instructional theorists, researchers, and graduate students. An additional audience is instructional designers, teachers, and trainers who are interested in guidance about how to design instruction of high quality.

In order to complement the themes of Volume I (commonality and complementarity among theories of instruction) and Volume II (diversity of theories), Volume III focuses on building a common knowledge base.  Volume II revealed that many instructional theorists seemed to be working in relative isolation from each other, building their own view of instruction with little regard to building on what knowledge already exists and what terminology is already being used for constructs they also describe.  Therefore, the purpose of Volume III is to take some early steps in building a common knowledge base about instruction with a common use of terms.

Chapters in Volume IV are organized in four units:

  1. Frameworks for understanding instructional theory,

  2. Theories for using different approaches to instruction,

  3. Theories for achieving different outcomes of instruction, and

  4. Tools for building a common knowledge base.

This volume is an essential book for anyone interested in exploring more powerful ways of fostering human learning and development and thinking creatively about ways to best meet the needs of learners in all kinds of learning contexts.

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Parts of the Book


Unit 1 Foreword: Frameworks for Understanding Instructional Theory

Chapter 1.  Understanding Instructional Theory,  Charles M. Reigeluth & Alison A. Carr-Chellman

Chapter 2.  Understanding Instruction,  Charles M. Reigeluth & John B. Keller

Chapter 3.  First Principles of Instruction,  M. David Merrill           Editors' Foreword

Chapter 4.  Situational Principles of Instruction,  Charles M. Reigeluth & Alison A. Carr-Chellman

Unit 2 Foreword: Theories for Different Approaches to Instruction

Chapter 5.  Direct Approach to Instruction,  William G. Huitt, David M. Monetti, & John H. Hummel        Editors' Foreword 

Chapter 6.  Discussion Approach to Instruction,  Joyce Taylor Gibson        Editors' Foreword 

Chapter 7.  Experiential Approach to Instruction,  Lee Lindsey & Nancy Berger        Editors' Foreword 

Chapter 8.  Problem-Based Approach to Instruction,  John R. Savery        Editors' Foreword 

Chapter 9.  Simulation Approach to Instruction, Andrew S. Gibbons, Mark McConkie, Kay Kyeongju Set, & David A. Wiley        Editors' Foreword 

Unit 3 Foreword: Theories for Different Outcomes of Instruction

Chapter 10.  Fostering Skill Development Outcomes,  Alex Romiszowski        Editors' Foreword 

Chapter 11.  Fostering Understanding Outcomes,  Martha Stone Wiske & Brian J. Beatty        Editors' Foreword 

Chapter 12.  Fostering Affective Development Outcomes: Emotional Intelligence,  Barbara A. Bichelmeyer, James Marken, Tamara Harris, Melanie

                       Misanchuk, & Emily Hixon        Editors' Foreword 

Chapter 13.  Fostering Integrated Learning Outcomes across Domains,  Brian J. Beatty        Editors' Foreword 

Unit 4 Foreword: Tools for Building a Common Knowledge Base

Chapter 14.  The Architecture of Instructional Theory, Andrew S. Gibbons & P. Clint Rogers        Editors' Foreword 

Chapter 15.  Domain Theory for Instruction: Mapping Attainments to Enable Learner-Centered Education, C. Victor Bunderson, David A. Wiley, and

                       Reo H. McBride        Editors' Foreword 

Chapter 16.  Learning Objects and Instructional Theory, David A. Wiley        Editors' Foreword 

Chapter 17.  Theory Building, Charles M. Reigeluth & Yunjo An

Chapter 18.  Instructional Theory for Education in the Information Age, Charles M. Reigeluth

This book has been translated to Japanese.

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