Instructional-Design Theories and Models: Volume IV, The Learner-Centered Paradigm of Education
Edited by Charles M. Reigeluth, Brian J. Beatty & Rodney D. Myers
About this Book
The primary audience for this volume, like that of the previous three volumes, is instructional theorists, researchers, and graduate students. An additional audience is instructional designers, teachers, and trainers who are interested in guidance about how to design instruction of high quality.
Volume IV provides a research-based description of the current state of instructional theory for the learner-centered paradigm of education, as well as a clear indication of how different theories and models interrelate. Significant changes have occurred in learning and instructional theory since the publication of Volume III, including advances in brain-based learning, learning sciences, information technologies, internet-based communication, a concern for customizing the student experience to maximize effectiveness, and scaling instructional environments to maximize efficiency.
In order to complement the themes of Volume I (commonality and complementarity among theories of instruction), Volume II (diversity of theories), and Volume III (building a common knowledge based), the theme of Volume IV is shifting the paradigm of instruction from teacher-centered to learner-centered and integrating design theories of instruction, assessment, and curriculum. Chapters in Volume IV are collected into three primary sections:
a comprehensive view of the learner-centered paradigm of education and training,
elaborations on parts of that view for a variety of K-12 and higher-education settings, and
theories that address ways to move toward the learner-centered paradigm within the teacher-centered paradigm.
This volume is an essential book for anyone interested in exploring more powerful ways of fostering human learning and development and thinking creatively about ways to best meet the needs of learners in all kinds of learning contexts.

Parts of the Book
Unit 1. Fundamental Principles of the Learner-Centered Paradigm of Education Foreword
Chapter 1. The Learner-Centered Paradigm of Education, Charles M. Reigeluth, Rodney D. Myers, & Dabae Lee
Chapter 2. Principles for Competency-Based Education, Richard A. Voorhees & Alice Dedard-Voorhees
Chapter 3. Principles for Task-Centered Instruction, Gregory M. Francom
Chapter 4. Principles for Personalized Instruction, William R. Watson & Sunnie Lee Watson
Chapter 5. A New Paradigm of Curriculum, Marc Prensky
Unit 2. More Detailed Designs for the Learner-Centered Paradigm Foreword
Chapter 6. Designing Maker-Based Instruction, Christian S. McKay & Krista D. Glazewski
Chapter 7. Designing Collaborative Production of Digital Media, T.J. Kalaitzidis, Breanne Litts, & Erica Rosenfeld Halverson
Chapter 8. Designing Games for Learning, Rodney D. Myers & Charles M. Reigeluth
Chapter 9. Designing Instruction for Self-Regulated Learning, Yeol Huh & Charles M. Reigeluth
Chapter 10. Designing Instructional Coaching, David S. Knight, Mike Hock, & Jim Knight
Chapter 11. Designing Technology for the Learner-Centered Paradigm of Education, Charles M. Reigeluth
Unit 3. Steps toward the Learner-Centered Paradigm Foreword
Chapter 12. Designing Instruction for Flipped Classrooms, Jeremy F. Stayer
Chapter 13. Gamification Designs for Instruction, Karl M. Kapp
Chapter 14. Design Considerations for Mobile Learning, Thomas Cochrane & Vickel Narayan
Chapter 15. Designing Just-in-Time Instruction, Gregor M. Novak & Brian J. Beatty
This book has been translated to Japanese.